February 1, 2009


I love today for all it's restful calming peace. Madi is sleeping on two chairs pushed together in our living room, fever has broken and she seems to be sleeping peacefully after a rough couple of days with the stomach flu, the dryer is on, the house is clean, I even got a shower and trust me after being up with a sick baby all night, THAT was a welcome treat and I am about to stick left over potatoe soup on the stove for dinner. It has been a hectic past few weeks, so today's calm is welcome!

Our dearest friends and family ( my brother) Andrew and ( his wife) Hannah have been here in Guatemala for three weeks and staying three more and not only have we had the most amazing time with them as we always do, late nights, dying of laughter, deep talks, soul searching and seeking God together...in them we find such deep soul connection, hearts exactly on the same page, not to mention we have a complete blast as couples....we have even been known to have special knocks on each other's walls when our bedrooms are next to each other...the "come over and let's talk even though it is one in the morning" knocks. Bottom line we love these two and consider their friendship, one of our greatest gifts. Andrew and Hannah before they were married both felt called separately to international missions, coming together at Bible school, only ignited their passion and brought more definition, they knew they were being called to bring rescue and a message of hope and healing to young girls who had been abused and were victims of sexual abuse and slavery. The cries of these very girls is loud and desperate in Guatemala and Andrew and Hannah heard and obeyed. They are coming under the minsitry of our dear friends, the Morins and Manos de Jesus ( Guatemalan side) Pray America ( stateside...see blog link on my sidebar) and moving down as full time missionaries this spring/summer. Check out their blog and leave a comment http://www.redeemedinnocence.blogspot.com/ We believe passionately in these two and see the hand and anointing of God all over their lives. We all spent about 5 days in Chichi, hanging with the leadership and the wonderful Guatemalan staff and participating in ministry. Scott and I too are praying about joining with Manos de Jesus in minsitry, just not sure we feel the release at this point to fully commit, but our hearts are there as it is a ministry meeting the needs maybe closest to His heart...widows and orphans. Their feeding program feeds 1000 (!!) children weekly, homes that have been built for widows now dot the beautiful mountains sides of Chichi, fresh clean water is offered to families....Christ is being preached in this Mayan community and it is all we can do at this point not to pack and move to beautiful very rural Chichi, but at this point.... we wait.

Andrew and Hannah's arrival in Guatemala was perfect, as they hit the same time as the Authenticos film team...after months of preparation and years of vision for all of us, to have this team here and filming need and ministries meeting those needs within Guatemala was nothing less than awesome. I pretty much walked around with a cell phone glued to my ear coordinating, so don't have pictures, but check out the web-site http://www.athentikos.com/ and please be praying with us that God uses this documentary to bring change and awareness as the "Forgotten" are exposed! I can't tell you how honored I felt to even tag along with this team. I firmly believe exposure can be one of the greatest tools against the enemy and it brings voice to those who otherwise have no voice. The compassion ran deep for every member on this team and I loved working with my good friends, Scott and Amelia Moore who directed the project! More soon!! Love you guys!!

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